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Cold Weather Shelter
The PCSC facility, at 2600 Peters Street in Palatka, is home to the Putnam County Cold Weather Shelter which operates on winter evenings/nights when the temperature is near or below freezing. When volunteers are available, the shelter opens its doors at 7:00pm and remains accessible until 8:00am the following morning, offering a warm safe place for local homeless persons to get indoors from the cold.

For additional information on the Cold Weather Shelter, please call us at 386-328-0984 Monday through Friday, between 9:00am and 1:30pm. Thank you.

​Can We Assist You? 386-328-0984​

I have found that
among its other benefits,
Liberates the Soul
of the Giver.
-- Maya Angelou
The Heart of Putnam
Palatka Christian Service Center is a certified partner with the United Way of St Johns County providing services for
Putnam County

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