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Service Center

      PCSC helps residents from all areas of Putnam County who are in a crisis situation.  A summary list of the services we offer is listed at the bottom of this page.


      Our staff and volunteers have the means to gather the information necessary to assess the needs of the family or individual and we work diligently to determine the best possible solution to their crisis.  We are not a government agency, or an entitled agency.  We are a crisis

prevention agency, not a maintenance agency.  Assistance provided is meant to help the client to avoid or overcome a crisis, not maintain a lifestyle, and clients who receive assistance must be able to show that they can maintain their bills without further assistance after receiving help.


      If you or someone you know are in need of assistance or have questions and would like additional information on the services offered through PCSC, there are a few things that you will need to do...


          1)  Make an Appointment:  Call us at 386-328-0984 Monday through Friday, between 9:00am and 1:30pm, to schedule an appointment.  Please keep in mind that appointments are made on a first come-first served basis and it may be 3-5 business days before the next available appointment.  If you are seeking financial assistance, your appointment must be more than 5-days prior to the due date of the bill.  If you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, you will need to reschedule.  Parking in front of our facility is limited; additional parking space is available at the back side of the building.


          2)  Bring the Correct Information:  Please be sure to bring the correct documentation with you for your appointment (see items listed below).  Without these items, we cannot proceed with your interview and you will need to reschedule your appointment.  Be sure to bring ALL of the following items with you for your appointment:

                    1)  Legal Photo ID for everyone in your household who is 18 years or older.  Valid forms of identification include:  Driver's License, Passport, Military ID card, or State ID card.  No other forms of identification will be accepted.

                    2)  Social Security Cards for everyone on your household.  You must bring your actual Social Security Card or a printout from the Social Security Office, not just the number, a photocopy or a benefits letter.

                    3)  Proof of Income for the past 30-days (you must be able to show that you will be able to maintain payment of your bill if you receive assistance).  Proof of income includes:  Paycheck stubs, Child Support printouts, Social Security benefits letter, Unemployment benefits letter, Food Stamps verification, CareerSource registration, or any other documentation of income received.  If you have no income, you must provide proof of CareerSource and/or Social Security registration.  If you at a student, you must provide proof of all monies received and/or due for the most recent quarter.

                    4)  Actual Utility Billing Statement with breakdown of charges, if seeking utility payment assistance.  We cannot pay deposits, late fees, connection/re-connection fees, etc.  If your bill includes any of these charges, you must pay them FIRST before we can consider any further payment on that bill.

                    5)  Original Script from your Physician for RX Prescriptions, if seeking pharmaceutical assistance.  We cannot accept photocopies, and we do not assist with narcotics or controlled substances.

                    6)  Lease Agreement AND Eviction Notice, if seeking rental payment assistance.

                    7)  Mortgage Statement AND Past Due Notice, if seeking mortgage payment assistance.  The Mortgage statement must itemize the monthly payment amount, interest, insurance, taxes, escrow, and any other fees. 


          3Come to Your Appointment:  Make sure to give yourself enough time; each appointment takes approximately 30-45 minutes.  If you have small children, be sure to have enough supplies (snacks, bottles, diapers, toys, etc.) to make the wait tolerable for them.  If you are riding with someone, please be sure they understand the length of time necessary for your appointment.  


          4)  After Your Appointment:  It can take up to 3 business days to process your assistance request.  Please wait for our call to let you know if we were able to assist you.  If you do not get a call within 4 business days, please contact us at 386-328-0984 for the decision on your request.

Basic Needs

- Food

- Clothing

- Shelter

- Toiletries

- Baby items

- Household Goods

- Furniture



Financial Needs

​- Electric

- Water

- LP/NG Fuel (for cooking & heating)

- Rent/Mortgage



Domestic Violence Assistance

- Counseling

- Emergency Shelter

​Employment Needs

- Education

- Job Searches

- Referrals

- Training

- Resume Assistance





​Educational Needs

- Adult Education

- Alternative Education

- Literacy




Financial ​Educational

- Consumer Credit

- Money Management

- Budgeting

- Financial Planning

Medical Assistance

- Eye Exams

- Health Exams

- Prescriptions

- Mental Health​

- Behavioral Health





Elder & Emergency Care

- Paperwork Completion Assistance

- Research

- Medications





Spiritual Counseling

- Pastoral

- Marriage

- Grief

- Prayer

- Scripture

- Bibles

​Can We Assist You?   386-328-0984​
I have found that
among its other benefits,
Liberates the Soul
of the Giver.
-- Maya Angelou

The Heart of Putnam
Palatka Christian Service Center is a certified partner with the United Way of St Johns County providing services for
Putnam County

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